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9.10.22 <3

# bi pref men, demiboy
# he/him
# auDHD+npd
, psychotic

i make slit/kys jokes +more fucked up shit so like if u rnt comfortable just tell me, i say slurs i can reclaim & im a person who lacks empathy so like dont vent to me, dont force me to use tonetags cause i wont

pjsk, milgram project, enstars, witchs heart, okegom, bandori, vnc + more unlisted
visual kei bands (gulu gulu, femme fatale and DADAROMA), true crime documentaries, gyaru, vkei and ouji fashion and guitar (esp electric)



u can read this if you know who dagger is i guess.
i love dagger sooooooooo so much MORE THAN ANYONE OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!!! i would KILL to hear his voice everyday or even be with him everydAY I JUST LOVE HIM SOO MICH.!!!!!!! there are so many things i want to do with him.. we could take showers or baths together, we could go on cute dates maybe to aquariums.. cat cafes or somewhere lonely so its only the both of us..!! we could cuddle together in bed go on late night walks and just BASICALLY DO ANYTHING THAT COUPLES DO. ive always fantasized about the things me and dagger could do... everyday i daydream about dagger. he is the only thing i can think about these days. ever since i met him i KNEW he was the love of my life. we're gonna get married and have 5 KIDS!!! or even more. depends on what dagger wants!!! ill do anything for him and ill do anything he wants me to. and if you like dagger FUCK OFF you are not real anyways and dagger wouldnt like you because he has me!!!!!! you really think you have a chance..? you shouldnt even know that dagger exists,.. you shouldnt even like him because i am the only one who can like, love or adore him in any way. youre not allowed to know anything about dagger. NOTHING. if you know one thing about dagger that i dont then watch out because i just might be outside your WINDOW. but dont worry! that will never happen beacuse i know everything about my beloved dagger!!! if you know about dagger i kindly ask you to erase your memories before i break into your house and give you severe head and brain injuries and break all of your bones till you end up with amnesia. if i ever see you talk about or talk WITH dagger then sleep with one eye open and make sure to lock all of your doors everyday, youll never know when ill try to break in. everyday when dagger isnt talking to me i get so fucking suicidal. i just miss them so much to the point i even end up slitting my wrists. i want every conversation that he has to be with ME and only me. i want him to think about me everyday and every sceond of his fucking life. i want to be the only person that he sees everyday. talking to his parents is fine i guess but if its over an hour then dont ask me why he ends up having no parents the next day! that has absolutely nothing to do with me. im just really good at predicting the future. ANYWAYS!! dagger is only mine and MINE and he even said that himself!!!!!! you guys dont have a chance. dont even TRY. oh and. Dagger, if you ever try to leave me. Just know there will be consequences. You're never getting rid of me. anyways! thats all!! and if youre not dagger i kindly ask you to stop reading.. this wasnt meant for you anyways. its only meant for dagger. or anyone else that knows about dagger.-yours sincerely, soren